Friday, February 28, 2020

2020 - 2021 already... ?


I don't know if you all know this about me but I am a planner. Man, do I love a good list. I also love a good sale. One of the best things about being an early planner is having more time to look for a good sale. So, on that note, I would love to have next year mostly planned out in the next few months. This will allow us to start searching out those deals on curriculum, recruiting new members, and focusing on finishing our own school years and enjoying our summers once we get there. Are you with me?

I pray to be in formal and informal planning sessions with the moms for next year in the next few months. Look for those posts coming on the blog and Facebook.  

If you have any suggestions, wants, dislikes, likes, or recommendations, please send me an email or message. If there is a class you are just itching to teach, let me know. If there is a class your child really needs and you're not sure if we will be willing to host it or not, shoot me the question. Please feel free to reach out. Our co-op can only be as great as the moms that are willing to do the work for our children. We all need to do our part to share this wonderful blessing, and sometimes heavy load, to benefit all of our children and families. 

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.

-Kristin McCutchan