Friday, April 8, 2022

Are you guys excited for next year?

 2022 -2023

Are you guys excited for next year? I know I am! Check out what L.I.G.H.T. Homeschool Co-op has planned for next school year. Below you will find our calendar, quick information about our subjects, as well as links to each of the age group specific pages. On each group's page you will find more detailed information about what they will be studying and what materials they will be using.

We have eight (ONLY EIGHT!) days / weeks of co-op left this school year. If you are wanting to come check us out, please stop by for a visit! But hurry up, time is running out on this school year! Please reach out so we can chat about which week works best for your family to swing by. Looking forward to seeing some new faces! 
*You can find our statement of faith, fees, and other information in our membership agreement which can be found on the Forms tab*

Preschool is excited to start two curricula for next year. They will be tackling {The Peaceful Preschool} and {More Before Five in a Row}. They will be rotating through different themes each class block to lend more variety as well as natural start and stop times to their day. They will get to join the "big kids" during many of our enrichment periods as well.

Our co-op takes a family approach for history with Biblioplan. This year we are in year two: Medieval - World and Church history from the fall of Rome (AD 476) through the Renaissance (1600s).  

Lowers is going to be continuing Five in a Row with volume 2 as well as taking a dive into some early chapter books they will be reading together in class. 
Upper Elementary, Middle, and High classes have been curated by one of our own moms who is a published author and has a passion for teaching literature. Our high schoolers will get to tackle one of her own books this year! Some of the classics will be taught alongside Progeny or Memoria Press literature guides.

Upper Elementary will be using Masterbooks God's Design for Life which breaks up the year into the World of Plants, Human Body, and the World of Animals. Lower Elementary is going to use the same curriculum but the Beginner version. Middles are continuing their two year curriculum, Rainbow Jr. High Science. This year will be a focus on biology to wrap up their studies and gain them some high school credits along the way.

*Enrichment and Electives* 
We call this block of time "Riches" in our co-op. We rotate through different units for Riches; anywhere from the history of significant events, holidays and biblical feasts, to many step art projects, show and tell (led by students), and a full co-op play. The kids, and moms, have had a lot of fun with Riches this year and we plan to continue this concept next year. One change to be made to the 2022 - 2023 school year is that some select weeks we will separate some of the younger children. This will allow the older groups to focus on more difficult projects. During their time away the younger crew will focus on some social studies / civics work.
Spanish and ASL are planned to be taught to all ages. The curriculum for both of these subjects is still being decided on. 

*High School Courses*
High school is planned to be elective based. 
This will allow more opportunity for for students since so much of high school core classes Planned classes include {Literature} (see selections listed above), {Finance}, {Spanish / ASL}, {Life Skills}, and {Enrichment}. 

These are all subject to change, please reach out if you have a specific want or need.
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Please see the group pages for more specific information about curriculum and plans for each group
Preschool   -   Lowers   -   Uppers   -   Middles   -   High

find our information pages in the tabs
About Us   -   Forms   -   Contact Us

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Forms 2021-2022


2021 - 2022

Here are the forms for the year. They are posted on the "Forms" page on this blog  as well as the Facebook page. I will also have copies with me at all meet-ups and the ability to take membership fees and class dues (with receipt of course). Next meet up is already posted in the Events tab on the Facebook page. Hope to see you there!!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Elementary grades (K-2, 3-6) classes...

***The elementary grades page has been updated with new information, I'll share it below. If you haven't clicked around on the different pages here on the site, there is (and will be more soon) some really useful information. Let me know your thoughts!***

(grades K-2, 3-6)

Now is the planning stages for all age groups. See our plans, thus far, below. 
Excited to see what the next year will bring!

The elementary ages will be split into two age groups if group size allows, K-2 and 3-6.

K-2 and 3-6
"BP Year One covers World and Biblical History from Creation through the Fall of Rome. Chronologically speaking, it starts with the seven days of Creation, and ends with the demise of the last Western Roman Emperor in AD 476. On the World History side, Year One starts with the four oldest known civilizations: Egyptian, Sumerian, Harappan and Chinese. It flows from there to the great empires of the Ancient Near East—from Egyptian and Akkadian to Assyrian, Babylonian, Hittite, Persian and more. Then come the Greco-Persian Wars, Classical Greece, the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. Mixed in are empires and cultures from China, India, the Americas, and Africa beyond Egypt. On the Biblical History side, Year One covers both the Old Testament and the New. Since the events in the Bible all happened in ancient times, all our Biblical History falls in Year One. Later years cover Church History and Christian missions."

K-2 and 3-6
"Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics presents a scientifically sound and God-honoring study of chemistry and physics for grades K-6. Your student will study the basic building blocks of creation, atoms and molecules, and then journey through simple chemicals, the laws of motion, and energy in its many forms, before discovering concepts of electricity and magnetism. Introduce your children to the fascinating world of chemistry and physics! The activities and projects in this course are sure to delight and inspire your young minds. They’ll begin by exploring the basic building blocks of creation, atoms and molecules, and then journey through simple chemicals, the laws of motion, and energy in its many forms, before discovering concepts of electricity and magnetism. Along the way, your students will make a bouncy ball, formulate a smoke bomb, build a solar oven, construct a working periscope, fashion a miniature motor, and create a lava lamp! All the while, God will be glorified as the Master Designer of all that they’re discovering about the world and how it works. This exciting course will give your students a love for learning and confidence in science that will carry them through the school years and beyond. It is an engaging way to teach your young students just how God made everything in the universe."

Literature Studies
"Five in a Row Volumes 1, 2 and 3 (Ages 5-9) are easy-to-follow, highly effective instructional guides for teaching Social Studies, Language, Art, Applied Math and Science using outstanding children’s literature as the basis for each weekly unit study. Lessons include a discussion guide and questions, teacher answers, hands-on activities, and suggestions for further study. Visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners and teachers will all benefit from Five in a Row’s variety of lessons and activities which are carefully laid out and available for you to choose whichever one fits your schedule for the day. You’ll find everything you need to be an effective teacher at your fingertips- pronunciation guides to foreign words or phrases, background information on history, geography, art and science lessons, facts, figures, and activity suggestions for a wonderful variety of hands-on learning experiences."

"Progeny Press study guides are designed to help students better understand and enjoy literature by getting them to notice and understand how authors craft their stories and to show them how to think through the themes and ideas introduced in the stories. To properly work with a Progeny Press study guide, students should have easy access to a good dictionary, a thesaurus, a Bible (we use NIV translation, but that is up to your preference; just be aware of some differences in language), and sometimes a topical Bible or concordance. Supervised access to the Internet also can be helpful at times, as can a good set of encyclopedias. Progeny Press study guides include: background, activities, vocabulary, content questions, literary analysis and terminology questions designed to give students a good understanding of writing technique and how to use it, critical analysis questions designed to help students consider and analyze the intellectual, moral, and spiritual issues in the stories and weigh them with reference to scripture and, of course, a detailed answer key!"
**Specific books have yet to be decided upon. Head over to our Facebook page to let us know your ideas for literature books you would like to see covered this year**

The above selections are the core classes being offered.
Elective classes will be held after lunch, there will be two blocks available for each age group.
Some options that have been discussed are physical education, art, piano, and interest based monthly themes and life skills. Each of these classes will depend on interest and finding parents willing and able to teach them. Please reach out to me if you have any thoughts on these classes so we can begin to narrow down these choices. 

If you have any thoughts you would like to share about any of these classes please reach out and let me know! You can contact me via email ( or the Facebook pageLooking forward to hearing from you!!